Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Letter from our Class pal in Uganda (5-5)

Dear G5
Dear all our Oddizzi classpals.

Time has flown by and we finish Year 5 tomorrow!!! We will end with a class party, swimming and a whole school assembly.

Most of us are going to Year 6 at Rainbow but some people are leaving and going to England, Scotland, Wales and Kenya.

This week we have been finishing lots of work, especially our DT project which was to make a moving toy using cams!!

We had WOW awards last week where a child in each class received awards for Achievement, Progression and Creativity. We also got badges for housepoints; 50 housepoints gets you a bronze badge, 100 a silver, 150 a gold and 200 a wise owl badge. Most of us also gained our pen licenses so we can write in pen in Year 6!

Some of us are really looking forward to Year 6 trips- we get to go for a week to the Rwenzori mountains as well as the chimp sanctuary and paintballing!!

Aslacton- we like your class pet Noodles- we read his blog and thought it was very funny. We would like to get a class pet next year!! Our favourite athletes are: Usain Bolt, Ngamba Mildred (she is our secondary PE teacher but she is also a sprinter and is trying out for the Olympics at the moment so watch out for her!), Tyson Gay, Tom daley, Kobey Bryant.

We also had our sports day last week. It was great fun and Kyoga won. We did many races including 600m and egg and spoon.

This week, as well as finishing our DT we have been using the ICT lab to go onto mathletics a lot. Do any of you use mathletcis in your school? It's great! We have also been reading The Secret garden in Literacy and watched the film on Monday.

In PE this year we have played Tag rugby, football, netball, basketball and golf as well as athletics and swimming. Tomorrow there is a staff versus children football match before the assembly.

Yesterday we got our yearly reports. Most of us were very pleased!!

We are all very excited about the holidays and some of us are going away. We will visit: Dubai, UK, Tanzania, Seychelles, South Africa, Kenya, Wales and Scotland.

We are sorry we have not been able to chat with you on skype but our internet connection has not been quick enough lately. Hopefully we will be able to keep in contact with you as we all move up a year. Next year we will be in 6SB with Mrs. Balasundar! Hope to hear from you then (we start back 30th August!)

From: 5CB
Rainbow International School, Kampala, Uganda

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